Bread Beckers

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305 Bell Park Dr Woodstock, GA 30188

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"BTW, kuddos on the web streaming. They are coming out great! I'm telling everyone about them. I've had my mill for just over 1 year and recently purchased my kitchen assistant. It was a great help to actually see how to use my mixer and what the dough should look like, and even to visually see the order of ingredients and why. I was not able to spend as much time at your booth at HEAV like I wanted to. I have had all kinds of burning questions in my mind. As I download the classes, the questions are getting answered. It's been truly like having Julia in my kitchen only better."

K.W., VA
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"Great in Hot Chocolate"

on 5/10/2018 3:46:31 PM

Remarks: I prefer this cacao over the non-fermented kind. It has a smoother texture - the non-fermented feels grittier to me. The fermented cacao has a slightly more intense chocolate taste and is maybe slightly more bitter than the non. The main reason I use this cacao, however, is that it's less irritating to my gut. I'm finishing up 18 months on the GAPS diet, and introducing fermented cacao in hot chocolate was heaven sent. The non-fermented gave me some intestinal distress, but I have no problem with the fermented. So grateful to be able to buy this here!


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