Bread Beckers

Open All Day Every Day

305 Bell Park Dr Woodstock, GA 30188

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COVID-19 Update at Bread Beckers

We are cancelling our classes through 4/17/20. We will continue to monitor events and government recommendations, and may have to cancel classes even further down the road.

Due to overwhelming demand, we quit taking phone orders – we don’t have the staff to handle them, nor to get all the phone messages for them! If you need to place an order, please use our web site, even for a pick-up order at the store. It works best if you REGISTER in our web cart, instead of using GUEST checkout (some – not all – have reported problems getting the GUEST checkout to work for them). If you do want to pick up, please use the CURB SIDE PICK UP option for shipping.

We will keep our store open (MONDAY – SATURDAY, 10AM – 4PM) as long as we are allowed, as we are a food store for many of our regular customers! PLEASE OBSERVE “SOCIAL DISTANCING” recommendations (6 feet separation with others) as much as possible (but DON’T come inside if you or a family member have been ill or shown systems of a cold, flu, or “worse”) and above all please be patient, kind, and respectful to everyone else in the store! Everyone is stressed, but we can and WILL get through this!

Thanks for all you understanding, and support of our business!

The Bread Beckers Inc
Brad, Sue, and Jim

Message from the Owners of Bread Beckers – Coronavirus COVID-19 Update

Coronavirus, also know as COVID-19, has posed a serious worldwide concern for the health, safety and welfare of everyone, including those of us that serve you here at The Bread Beckers. The purpose of this message is to share with you the steps we are taking in response to these growing concerns.

As of today, we are open for business following our regular hours of operation Monday – Saturday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm with NO cancellation of any scheduled classes. Of course, this can always change as situations develop over the coming days and weeks and may only allow for short notice of changes. But we will do our best to carry on in serving you. To avoid any inconvenience, we will try to keep an updated phone message, as well as web site and email notices. So please check often.

Like so many others, we are making every effort to ensure the safety of you, our customers, as well as our amazing staff by taking extra precautionary measures. We are cleaning and sanitizing frequently touched surfaces such as doorknobs, shopping carts, credit card and touch pads and countertops. We have discontinued food sampling in the store and will take extra precautions when serving samples in our classes.

We are asking you, as well as our employees, to follow the “Advice to the Public” from the World Health Organization. Please do not come to the the Bread Beckers if you or your family members are not feeling well. If you need product, you may place your order online or over the phone and we will be happy to bring it outside to you or leave it outside for you to pick up. Try to practice safe distancing while in the store and cover your mouth and nose while coughing or sneezing. And of course, wash your hands often. Please be mindful of others, this is a stressful time for everyone and we want to do our part.

Finally, please remember, while handshakes may not by the best method of greeting others at this time, a smile or kind word can go a long way toward letting others know that things may not be as bad as they seem. Be patient and understanding with others, and let’s work together to show the love of Christ to the world. We will get through this together.

Brad and Sue Becker and Jim Carpenter