By Sue Becker
On January 7, 2016, my Bible reading for the day included a verse from Ecclesiastes. Ecclesiastes 11:1 says “Cast your bread on the surface of many waters, (be diligently active, make thoughtful decisions) for you will be richly rewarded.” I noted the verse in my prayer journal and asked the Lord to show me what “waters”?
On January 18th I received an email from a lady in Florida asking if I would be willing to meet with two pastors from Haiti after my scheduled seminar at a church on January 31st in Port St Lucie, FL. The pastors, I was told, are interested in bringing wheat and mills into Haiti to feed some of their orphanages.
Meeting with the pastors, I learned of their desire to provide “real bread” and real nourishing food, not just to the orphanage but to the surrounding area and to the village school, where hundreds of hungry children come each day hoping to get something to eat.
The average child eats only every other day and what they are fed on those days is less than desirable, to say the least. Mothers will often make “cookies” of mud just to fill their babies’ tummies.
The vision of these pastors and the ministry team that works with them is to teach the people skills such as gardening and now, with our help baking, that can help meet their needs and the needs of the community as well as provide a source of income.
The Bread Beckers Inc and Morning Star Church are partnering with Real Bread Outreach, the non profit ministry I started in 2007, to take real bread to those in need.
Five of us, Brad Becker, Sue Becker, our pastor of Morning Star Church, Jamie Powell and his son Caleb, and Dita Vazne, from Latvia, will be leaving on Monday March 21 for Haiti. This will be a 4 day trip of discovery. We will be traveling to two orphanages to see what type of mills and bread would work best in the climate and cooking conditions. Brick ovens have been built for our use and are awaiting our arrival. We will investigate the local markets to see what grains and beans are available in Haiti, to support the local economy as much as possible. And we will of course be baking bread!
Our goal is to put a plan into place for baking bread on a fairly large scale that can be duplicated at other orphanages in Haiti. The two pastors have a total of about 50 orphanages that they support and train.
We look forward to seeing what God has in store for us in Haiti as we pray for His plans and wisdom to be revealed. We would appreciate your prayers. If you would like to partner with Real Bread Outreach through financial support you may send your tax-deductible contribution to:
Real Bread Outreach
c/o Sue Becker
561 Dogwood Hills Lane
Canton, GA 30115